Oriented Semi-metrics and Oriented Multicut cones

The quasi-semi-metric cone QMET_n is defined by:

For any oriented partition (S_1, ...., S_q) of {1,...,n}, the oriented multi-cut vector is defined by The oriented multi-cut cone OMCUT_n is the positive span of all oriented multi-cut vectors 

The cone OMCUT_3=QMET_3
dimension 6
group Sym(3) x Z2
extreme rays 12 in two orbits
facets 12 in two orbits

see files OMCUT3-QMET3.tex and OMCUT3-QMET3.ps for details

The cone OMCUT_4
dimension 12
group Sym(4) x Z2
extreme rays 74 in five orbits
facets 72 in four orbits

see files OMCUT4.tex and OMCUT4.ps for details

The cone QMET_4
dimension 12
group Sym(4) x Z2
extreme rays 164 in ten orbits
facets 36 in two orbits

see files QMET4.tex and QMET4.ps for details

The cone OMCUT_5
dimension 20
group Sym(5) x Z2
extreme rays 540 in nine orbits
facets 35320 in 194 orbits

The cone QMET_5
dimension 20
group Sym(5) x Z2
extreme rays 43590 in 229 orbits
facets 80 in 2 orbits

see files QMET5.tex and QMET5.ps for details

The cone QHYP_5
dimension 20
group Sym(5)x Z2
extreme rays 78810 in 386 orbits
facets 90 in 3 orbits

see files qhyp5.tex and qhyp5.ps for details 

The cone OMCUT_6
dimension 20
group Sym(6) x Z2
extreme rays 4682 in 19 orbits
facets at least 217847040 in at least 163822 orbits

The cone QMET_6
dimension 20
group Sym(6) x Z2
extreme rays at least 492157440 in at least 343577 orbits
facets 150 in 2 orbits