m-hemi-metrics cone and m-hemi-cut cone


dimension 10
group Sym(5)
extreme rays 25 in two orbits
facets 120 in four orbits

see files 2-P5.tex and 2-P5.ps for details

dimension 10
group Sym(5)
extreme rays 37 in three orbits
facets 30 in two orbits

see files 2HMET5.tex and 2HMET5.ps for details

dimension 15
group Sym(6)
extreme rays 65 in two orbits
facets 4065 in 16 orbits

see files 3-P6.tex and 3-P6.ps for details

dimension 15
group Sym(6)
extreme rays 287 in 5 orbits
facets 45 in two orbits

see files 3HMET6.tex and 3HMET6.ps for details

dimension 21
group Sym(7)
extreme rays 140 in two orbits
facets 474390 in 153 orbits

see files List153_4P7 for details

dimension 21
group Sym(7)
extreme rays 3692 in 8 orbits
facets 63 in two orbits

see files 4HMET7.tex and 4HMET7.ps for details

(the description is incomplete)
dimension 28
group Sym(8)
extreme rays 266 in two orbits
facets at least 408276708 in at least 11185 orbits

dimension 21
group Sym(8)
extreme rays 55898 in 13 orbits
facets 84 in two orbits

see files List13_5HMET8 for details

dimension 20
group Sym(6)
extreme rays 90 in three orbits
facets 2095154 in 3086 orbits

see files List3086_2P6 for details

dimension 20
group Sym(6)
extreme rays 12492 in 41 orbits
facets 80 in two orbits

see files 2HMET6.tex and 2HMET6.ps for details

dimension 35
group Sym(7)
extreme rays at least 373014230 in at least 74878 orbits
facets 140 in two orbits

dimension 35
group Sym(7)
extreme rays at least 243895508 in at least 49715 orbits
facets 175 in two orbits